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02:17 İMSAK'A

21 Ocak 2016

Dark Age, 'Being Part of This Shame'

Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu will be in Europe tour this week with full economy, DAESH/ISIL terrorism, Syrian refugee crises and EU-Turkey relation agenda in his suitcase.
Counting years is just delusion and changing the numbers. As year 2016 is nothing but 1 number changed at the end. Whoever expected any change is naive temperament people and after 12 am everything keeps continuing as it was.
In the real world the only changed reason is action. If there is an action in anywhere at anytime, that might be able to cause change. Even some kind of actions were repeated do not make sense either nor any change. That is why Einstein says "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
What if someone do not want to get different results and they do these on purpose?
The second week of the New Year 2016 was same the week before and the month before and the year before. It was not clear how many of them, some already have withdrawn their signatures, some d that they did not even have a peak on the paper but around or more than 1100 academics in Turkey signed something tells "We will not be a party to this crime!"
The crime their description was calling the state 'murderer'. They meant the ongoing operation in several cities, Southeast of Turkey against PKK(Kurdish Worker Party) which known and recognized all over the world and the governments and the parliaments, without exception as a 'Terrorist Organization'.
The PKK killed thousands of people includes infants, children and his own Kurdish people(They claim they are fighting for Kurdish rights) for decades. Intriguingly in that paper mentioned academics never say any word to PKK or whoever fighting, entrenching and barricading in these days the cities Sur, Cizre, Silopi. Lashing out on historical places, sacred buildings, holly monuments are in addition.
Those who academics, name by name could tell if they are genuine after peace? They asked Turkish Government to stop operations. The drawn picture was implied unarmed vulnerable innocent people has been slaughtered.
We have to make it clear one more time and highlight it that operation is to armed people but not any civilian.
Are they able to say in any part of the world some says this area is freed and we do 'self-government' and that would be accepted for any state?
Some alleviate and present with perturbation and say "People fleshes on the streets for days" The reality is in that picture, because of terrorists gun firing the barricades not allow to reach those dead bodies and to help in need. They do shoot even healthcare providers, ambulances. Plus they ambush those people that they call and for help and kill them all after they saved their injured companies.
Why it takes so long question answer is Armed Forces do not want to injure any civilian during operations other than down the cities in hours.
"If they fight for Kurdish rights why there is conflict with Barzani and PKK. The people in poverty who has no choice and under pressure are forced to sacrifice their lives. No HDP houses, kids etc under distress." the cities' people-Kurdish orgin who suffer moan.
That is why Turkish President Erdogan who is first elected president in the country's history by his people by %52 votes, calls anyone who wants to see real picture, they are more than welcome.
These people who call themselves 'lettered' or doubted 'intellectuals' wisdom on PKK violence were asked where their titles based on? Could any one of them put any research, any essay international lecture paper up front? That imposes deliberation erudite in international scientific field.
Those academics if you check name by name has mostly Marxist, Leninist old fashion Communist Russian fanciful visionary left overs and they do have nothing left to do and how they would like to denote themselves in 'self-defeating' reaction.
Well, the bill that was rear frame says "We will not be a party to this crime!" technically, grammatically, academically shows their level of knowledge.