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02:17 İMSAK'A

26 May 2016

Erdogan, Dictator, Authoritarian or Spirit?

In a general view Turkish politics in these days, no matter what, need answers then we have to look closer Erdogan's speech more than anything else. His each speech gives clear message briefly how Turks think.
Just after Prime Minister Davutoglu resigned, Erdogan declared manifesto to the world one more time, for sure directly to the West that would like to criticize Erdogan on getting authoritarian on their logroll instrument Fettullah Terror Organization is as known as Parallel State or FETO and HDP-People Democratic Party and the others.
The picture was clear on the AKP Convention on Sunday, as the new leader of the party so the new Prime Minister Binali Yildirim elected by delegates in tandem with fervent.
Starting with the first answer on the allegation of new Turkish Constitutional Law work, clearly it will not be for a party or for a certain person but the people of the whole country. As well as the Presidential System will not be for a one time only. In fact Presidential System is not exotic for us as the Turkish nation and not outlandish as opponents call. If Erdogan will be the first President after system change and be elected, he will not be the last president either. There is nothing to concern about that.
West got habited to judge on eastern governments, so does Turkey, but never liked to be judged on theirselves, even being questioned. Erdogan's might be the other mistake has brought those questions to their attention to their own interests and rights.
The best tactic to shun being queried is to attack your opponents first, either true or false. For years the allegation on the Turkish government is ISIS succor link even though with all massive blasts caused hundreds civilian casualties and had going attack from Syria border to Turkish city Kilis by ISIS. Ironically our NATO allies collaborate with Russia on that rubbish allegation.
Turkish Foreign Minister Cavusoglu stakes off Russian Foreign Minister and set forth if Lavrov proves any link between Turkey and ISIS, he would resign.
Erdogan applies in the matter, pointing ISIS that those are the people that are beheading; rape and slaying innocents are the inherent adversaries of Islam. "Muslim who is after building not destroys, but dilection and affinity not animosity" he adds.
One other West discrepancy, Erdogan stands out that talking about against terrorism and all EU states officially declared and recognize the PKK as a terrorist organization, but at the same time letting PKK pitch the tent just by the EU Parliament.
Each time our NATO allies light into anything for holding as a big occasion against Erdogan and they cavalierly proclaim with official matter on their social media and even directly in their speech concerning about Turkey and its people. Somewhat they do not have any concern for one of those suffering countries of the Egyptian people and they are happy with Sisi, who got the power with a coup over the elected president Moursi that faces to sentence of death penalty by illegitimate coup verdict. They do not consider Sisi as a dictator or authoritarian or any likeness to Adolf Hitler. What makes Erdogan more authoritarian and what will if Turkey gets Presidential System?
Erdogan said that Turkey has humanitarian movement in 140 countries to help people at the 1st World Humanitarian Summit in Istanbul. He emphasizes Turkey having those 3 million Syrian refugees as brothers and sisters and always opens its borders(Open-door Policy) to anyone who needs help for humanitarian base. He adds "We undertake to contribute additional $1 million to UN on these purposes" This is the President that, proudly elected by %52 people and even more do not have any concern for Turkey. Why do the others have concern for us?
Let's hear what Chancellor Merkel answered the Sonntagszeitung reporter "Turkey did its own responsibility and acted trustfully and we should do the same if we back our values and we need to honor our promises" also she added "I have known Erdogan for years and he helped a lot on Turkey economic progress" She also highlighted PKK is a terrorist organization one more time.
Erdogan hosted World Humatarian Summit and unite around the table South Cyrpus Leader Anastasiades and North Cyprus President Akinci without any complex to show willing to intend to resolve the confilict with devoted heart for humanity. Besides all those issues, we might not need even mentioning about Israel terror on Palastein or Armenia Negorno-Karabakh invention since 1993, et cetra, et cetra, et cetra with hypocrite approach of our West allies.
The last thing about crackdown on Press allegation; the people who is prosecuted as a journalist in Turkey, not charged for journalism but breaking the law. Still daily publishing newspapers are able to write against Erdogan like Cumhuriyet, Sozcu, Hurriyet. Broadcasting Tv Channels are like CNN Turk, Halk Tv, Oda Tv. That means no one has a right to break the law because they are journalists. Do they not have same law and practice in EU and America?