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31 May 2016

Is Turkey Israel Reconciliation Possible?

After decades of blockade to Gaza strip, the world humanitarian foundations and organizations and NGOs started to take step forward against Israeli subhuman implements.
Let's begin with enlightenment point. Some words got definitions negative meanings. If you take an example as 'dictator' will get described 'oppression' without mentioning any freedom. How about this oppression exerts on building peace and happiness?
The MV Mavi Marmara passenger ship was purchased in 2010 by IHH-Humanitarian Relief Foundation, an active NGO based in Turkey charity organization in 115 countries. Along with Free Gaza Movement carrying humanitarian aids 6 ships left from different destinations in May 2010 to reach Gaza. In international water, 80 miles away from Israel on 31st of May 2010 got attacked by Israeli troops. After brutally violent caused 9 activists dead and 50 wounded. Also Israel had taken hostages the rest of 654 activists from 32 different countries and seized all ships with their aid according to Israeli Haaretz News Agency.
After released of ships, international commission investigated the incident and hundreds of bullet holes were detected just on the ships itself. UN Human Rights Committee also reported the swoop was unlawful and criminal. That has proven enough that Israel's intervention was not peaceful purposes.
Turkish President Erdogan(he was the Prime Minister during the incident) called that as 'state terror'! Turkish ambassador was recalled and stated that the relationship could be irreparable consequences because of the incident and Israeli ambassador was expelled after UN report.
Turkey demanded apology, compensation and end of Gaza blockade from Israel for reconciliation. It is 6th anniversary of the Mavi Marmara flotilla this May 31. Israel carries out two of three Turkey's demands, the apology was given in March 2013 by Prime Minister Netanyahu with Obama departs and secondly, agrees on paying compensations. But main obstacle is the third demand which is ending the blockade remains.
Year ago the reconciliation news started to spread and both sides would be ready to sign the agreement soon. Since than Turkish officials repeatedly kept affirming without ending blockade there will be no agreement. It looks like the agreement gets very close with Jews associations and Turkish businessmen endeavors.
Fuat Ugur predicated on officials, from Turkiye news paper has written the frame of agreement on 5 bases would be;
1- The compensations will be paid as agreed before with Netanyahu.
2- The blockade and siege on Gaza will be ended gradually with time.
3- Israel and Turkey will collaborate on shipping the aids to Gaza harbors.
4- Also they will coordinate on rebuilding Gaza, and Israel leans towards governmental construction establishment TOKI-Turkey Provision of Social Housing steps in.
5- And finally because of the last year incident, the preservation and the safekeeping on Mescid-i Aksa-Al Aqsa Mosque.
Erdogan was being questioning about intensively meetings with Malcolm Hoenlein, the executive vice chairman of the conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations in Turkey and Washington lately, but it seems clear that reconciliation was the purpose of those meetings.
Additionally Russian President Putin indicates detentes on Turkish-Russia broken relations after downing the war-jet intrusion in Turkish airspace during Greek trip. Putin also highlighted that the Kurdish State is not our business that considerable as a supportive statement.
If Isreal-Turkey reconciliation will materialize, that would be the other success of President Erdogan. That would make Erdogan, Nobel Peace Prize the strongest candidate. Because he would make significant contribution to peace in MidEast.
Instead of calling Erdogan as a dictator or authoritarian and expressing concerns, it is better to call him as a 'Peace Builder' would be fair and more realistic without any doubt.