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02:17 İMSAK'A

01 Şubat 2016

Master Plans in 3 Steps

Conflict resolvers the people who would like to introduce themselves as, are in the field intriguingly becoming and aiming part of the conflict.
Here is what I shared with one of these quasi revolvers who was asking about academics signed 'Being part of the Shame' and Turk-Kurt conflict in Turkey;
"Briefly I can tell you that I have known any scholars looking for peace in any conflicts not just in Turkey but unfortunately all over! People all are looking for their own benefits and own careers. Those who if you meant 1100 recently signed a paper in Turkey, I do not think they meet academic criteria anyway, because no research paper no international essay, no nothing but favoritism that is how they got their positions and they feel threatened their job in risk and here is their defense system! They call the state as 'murderer' and here they are, their English like first grade kids' level. It says "We will not be a party to this crime!" Trying to say "We will not be a part of this crime!" In the other hand there is no single issue between Turks and Kurds. These people do want to be there is but peacefully not! If you imagine anything and consider as real, that is your part but if you are after reality, Erdogan calls anyone of you do want to see real picture and invites you to Turkey.
Put this way, half of AKP deputies are Kurdish so are ministers despite terrorists who claim fighting for Kurdish rights are not, some Turkish base leftist background, Armenian and all over who wants to keep Turkey unstable... If that was the question, I did write in Turkish that how many papers are publishing daily and broadcasting tv&radios in Turkey against Erdogan, you cannot believe it! I would write in English too I guess. They do not just critiquing but harassing, threatening, cursing. But not even 1% prosecuting, neither detained..."
People mostly believe that the hypocrisy and lie are common politician traits. In modern democracy or ancient history of the world what has been seeing is not support that idea but conversely opposite that allegation.
For instance in Muslim belief, especially in Sunni creed Hadith, a collection of traditions containing sayings of the prophet Muhammad that, with accounts of his daily practice (the Sunna), constitute the major source of guidance for Muslims apart the Koran is the one of the main core of Islam.
One of these hadithes Muhammad says "As you are you so will your leaders be"
Basically I believe truly the politicians more accurate and guided by their own people more than anyone else. These days academics meet and fit this suit well in hypocrisy act.
Research provides any lecture never helped to resolve any conflicts in the history at all. From this point jumping on recent academics provenience with 400 conflicts major and minor on the earth and the longest Arab-Israel demote Palestine-Israel is astonishingly not even considered in 10 big conflicts down end.
Besides Turk-Kurd(That is how they would like to indicate crisscross PKK terrorism) conflict reaction in academics recently hit the top. Every single day people are killed hundreds all over and these academics never say any word and now impertinently they send open letter to President Obama about Turkey.
What is this about? What makes Turkey so special for getting all these attentions? All academics I contacted some of those petitioners like Robert Hockett and I inquired reason of accession and I will share his responds in my column next.
Furthermore headlines are looking through collective subconscious propaganda against Turks? World powers united back up PKK? And No surprise joining the anti-Turkey coalition, FETO, and its media...
In the mean time they do not have any solution but being part of conflict despite Turkish government has 3 steps on Master Plan for the district that exploited by PKK.
Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu d those steps as follows.
1- The district will be total rebuild entirely.
2- The district will be secure and free to violence.
3- The district people will be taken care of their lost and given them educational, psychological and economical support.
Here is open letter to academics, if they have to be up-front and candid at conflict resolution to help noncombatants.