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02:17 İMSAK'A

16 Kasım 2015

Turkey is Welcoming G-20

The meaningful message comes for that horrific Paris Friday night the director and the actor Mark Ruffalo. With that possible emotional reaction, Ruffalo warns and invites stating "Do not allow this horrific act allow you to be drawn into the loss of your 'humanity' or 'tolerance'. That is the intended outcome".
The other night, lingering and pendant early Saturday morning, Paris faced one of the biggest terrifying terror attacks got killed and injured hundrends people, not just for France nor Europe but in the history of the world. Just Charlie Hebdo attacked this January 2015 was awfull enough caused humanitarian querry, now the world and especially the West needs new approach in any cases.
Turkey will host G20 summit this year in November 15-16 in Antalya province. That is going to be tenth annual meeting and the heads of 20 countries who has the largest economy would be gathered to discuss the world economics. But this year program was added two subjects that based on Sryian refugee crisis and the global terrorism.
The city of Antalya literally evacuated her people to entertain the world leaders, Obama, Putin, Cameron, King Salman and the others. Because of the terror attacks in Paris, France President François Hollande would not be able to attend though.
Those two discussions points were not appeared all of a sudden after Paris attacks but they were really delayed issues since Sryia conflict occurred 2012. May we call empathy pattern, how sounds warm and philanthropic that touches the hearts, but unfortunately it is not touchy as much as happened to on ownselves.
Couple months ago, one picture stimulated the West sensation, and Aylan, the three years old toddler whose dead body washed ashore thrived the view of Syrian refugee crisis for Europe. That made German Chancellor Angela Merkel d that she opens her border for Sryian refugees, but just after couple thousands in, she got big commentary other EU countries and her own people as well. She got forced and went to other way to incentive over Turkey.
Hungary border shows tragic refugee images, plus Poland refuses Syrian in, and now Paris attacks.
Turkey, Erdogan says for years over Sryia to allies and warns about those two main problems that toss out. He is not speaking as a wise man or predictor. He and his country are experiencing terror for decades and so is refugee problem all over neighbor states. Turkey strongly lives in these situations for years. That is why Erdogan states just after condemned bloody terror in early Saturday morning, reminds terror has no sides and that is a must a consensus of the international community against terrorism.
This weekend in Antalya, the World leaders will speak up. These speeches will either discourage terrorists and their supporters or continue playing silence of lambs on innocent people.
Paris attacks show one more time how important to cooperate against terror. As a reminder, should be urgently taken more action than condemning for sure, period.