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02:17 İMSAK'A

16 Haziran 2016

Turkey Keeps Its Hopes

On June 4th 2016, we had received very sad news that all time powerfull, meaningful and cheerful puplic figure deceased. The greatest champ Muhammad Ali of Louisville Kentucky gathered people from all over the world again.
For two days of the Muhammad Ali janazeh service and the memorial service purposes, besides politic figures and celebrities, thousands people flock on all streets of Louisville to attend those services.
Turkish president Erdogan was one of those declared to be there for both services. He was at Freedom Hall for the janazeh pray with the head of religion affairs Mehmet Gormez and his wife. After janazeh pray while he was leaving the Hall the muslim people who reside in United States, around world started to call "Halal Erdogan". Erdogan had waived and kept walking outside. The crowd promptly got bigger and bigger in moments and followed him outside to show him their thankfulness.
At that point I personally approached Erdogan and asked to wait for a minute and let the people see him. But his humble respond was "We are here for the janazeh pray, not political rally hustings!"
That was the main reason he left early after been at Akhiska Turks iftar program and without joining Memorial service on Friday. Because as he stated, there would be no politician and no political service at memorial.
Then we had seen that he was right not to be there at KFC Yum! for memorial. Otherwise Rabbi Lerner would speak up through president his rubbish lie about killing kurds without mentioning PKK terrorism, and either president Erdogan had to leave or set down to hear Rabbi's slander.
Anyway, people gathered at Akhiska Turks Center for iftar program that night. Those people include mostly the same who was at janazeh pray in the morning.
We as people, officials, deputies, journalists all had a chance to talk with everyone in a warm genuine atmosphere.
That encouraged me to have started to talk about Turkey foreign policy with Ibrahim Kalin, special adviser and spokesman for the Turkish presidency. I went with the first question about Syria and the operations of SDF or QSD-Syrian Democratic Forces. These forces are like an umberalla of YPG-PYD as recognized terrorist organization by Turkish government because of affliation with PKK.
Mr. Kalin got back to me very clear and pricesly "We will never let an irreversible accomplishment. American authorities informing us and expressed Kurdish fighters would withdraw where they belong after operations done" I applied "what if the defacto relieved?" He said "We are watching every steps very close" I insisted my point and he replied "We would do what it needs and that includes 'military intervention' on the table"
My other question was about Turkish-Israel reconciliation. He said "The negotiations still continue and we are waiting for finalize by end of this month/June. From our side there is no hitch and our interlocutors would take to their government for discuss and will get back to us." I asked "why it takes so long, what are the obstacles?" He responded "There is little debate on compansations and main hurdle is still lifting blockade of Gaza" He was optimistic about that, was my impression.
We got another point was Russian relations. Mr. Kalin explains the situation that perpetual and an auld relation between Turkey and Russia is very important not just for the region but global. Turkey heeds that relation as always. He adds if Russia is ready, Turkey will be ready for proceedings to discuss anything. He has a hope on that matter till end of June too. Just after this conversation President Erdogan and Prime Minister Yildirim wrote letters to Russian Leaders Putin and Medvedev to celebrate Russia Day and exposed their hopes to heal the relationship between Rusia and Turkey.
The very last spot of our chat was Visa free EU deal. He was very firm what EU asking to alleviate on Turkish terrorism law is not possible at this time of every single moment under terror threat. We expect our EU allies equal approach, savvy and respect our fight against terrorism that they take same actions against terrorism. Also he is sanguine on this would be solved by end of June.